Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Brief Update

29th December, Monday

Got up early, changed and charged my camera batt last minute. Then headed to Queens to meet the BestMaleFriend, and bumped into Mr.ChungYang. After Kev left i went grocery 'picking' with Daniel and ChungYang, funny bunch.

Mr BestMaleFriend - KevMr ChungYangHis very nice Viewty - ran outta battery.His very own "Beauty" , i cannot imagine how a phone can turn into this "Tech Babe". And I thought I was destructive enough for making the joystick fall off, check this out instead, im not so bad afterall. ;p
30th December, Tuesday
Despite the fact that i didnt sleep since 2am, i managed to stay awake for the whole class and not die abrubtly inside the room. Had a jolly good day. And because im a very nice person i took just enough pictures to blackmail everyone i know there. *evil grins*
because my right eyebag is bigger than my left one, i put a heart there. ;p
and no i do not sleep with only one eye closed.
Updates will be slow moving after this post, my laptop is being taken away. Wtf i know, i've never been to a cyber cafe, and dont intend to. I'll just go to Evon's house and update, IF i get really desperate.
Till then, stay happy ! :]

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