Thursday, January 8, 2009

Finally! Some decent updates! :]

Okay so I've been busy with things to do so i haven't got the time to update. I actually still have things to do right now but i cant leave my blog dead like that, yes? :] So i decided to get lesser sleep for a full 3 weeks and update my blog. Pure stupidity, i know. Sleep isn't all that essential to me. So it's okay.

So since someone's been really busy these days. Partying, working and well...sleeping. So luckily i have friends that care and are nice enough to keep me company. :) Julian picked me up from home at around 4.30pm on Tuesday, or was it Monday? I cant remember. We headed to Gurney. And we had Donuts! Whitnut is by far my one and only option.

The Chocolaty one with the pink thingy there is called 'Alien'. HAH! Finally something named after me. *evil grins* It was so chocolaty it the fillings landed on my bag. How awesome. But too bad, someone doesnt eat JUNK. ;p

8th January, Thursday.
We headed to Tao for food tasting. VIPs. *laughsoutloud*
We went in two cars. Dad was driving, Eric, Adeline, Karshing and I followed daddy.
Whereas Aunt Doreen and Quinn followed mum.

Everyone was looking at us 'cause we couldn't stop taking photos. Too many to upload all in one shot i tell you. ;p Oh and the manager or something even ordered food for us, all the new stuffs and told us to judge it. Some of it was okay, some wasn't. So head over to Tao and try it out yourself. It was overall satisfying. :)

Quinn with her Chawanmushi ; Eric with his yummy tempura

few random shots of food we had, it was neverending.
had cookies&cream for desert.
oh and i bumped into Joey Tan in Tao too!

ever so fishy

A new addition to my plushy family ; Alvin "de-cotton-ed" my frog's hand - thank you very much -.-" Aunt Doreen, Eric and Adeline are leaving the island tomorrow evening. Their heading back home to Sydney, 'cause Hershey Bear (Aunt Doreen's dog) would've probably missed them all way more than much by now already. *sobs* Have a safe and nice trip home! (:
That's all for now, updates the next round. Night people! :)

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