Monday, January 26, 2009

Happy Chinese New Year All ! (:

I guess I wouldn't say that Chinese New Year is a bore. But it is rather gloomy this year.
But the usuals that never changes - traffic jams, rude road bullies, horny old uncles sitting down in coffee shops checking out girls and of course, ANG POWS ! :)

Today we left for granny's place in the morning, I was the one who was up early. 
Dad only had three hours of sleep 'cause he wasnt feeling well.
I slept at about 1am, super early - I know.
And woke up at about 4am. And sat on my bed reading text messages i received just about an hour before i got up.
4missed calls - Frankly, I couldn't be bothered to call back.
8new msgs - I replied a few, ignored a few.

YuQuan has been back for so long and I'd really like to meet him sometime soon. :)
I bumped into Michael the other day in Queensbay Mall, somehow I didnt see him there 'cause I was too engrossed in my text messages, but he still looks as good as ever. :)
I'm waiting for moo moo to come back to Penang. Patiently waiting. "tick-tock-tick-tock.."

Anyways I only have pictures of irrelavant stuffs. Like the jam on the Penang Bridge.
And the fire crackers my younger brother lighted up and made me deaf in one ear temporarily.
Blogspot is gaying with me, so I guess I'll update when I go online some other day.
I've got shit loads of pictures, and I look healthier than everyone else. =D *grins*

Happy Chinese New Year all! 
And to you too the one that's prolly cooking breakfast after wiping your ass now. :) 
Do reconsider my offer to help you KEEP your ANG POWs yeah. *smirks*

Got this necklace few days back. ;)

we're far apart
but close at heart
i miss the bear :'(

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