Friday, January 2, 2009

S to the I to the C to the K ; S-I-C-K

I was up until 4.30am. Trying my very best to endure. I was counting the hours until i can finally leave home and head to the clinic cuz the pain was agonizing. Take sore throat + flu + cough + gum infection, what a way to start the year.
And i pledge not to eat any deep fried food, fried food, chargrilled food and whatever it is that isn't steamed or boiled. Im so serious, you can never even find another person on earth that is more serious that i am this instant. And i realized after coming back from the clinic, being the disgusting pig i am, i havent bathed and wore my pajamas to the clinic, when i got back i found blood stains on my sleeve. It's definately NOT from my ear so yes it's from my nose and with a tad of drooling and bleeding gums. (I am on the verge of throwing up myself). And guess what? Im still wearing it now! Hah! Beat me in being disgusting will you? ;p

Some of the pictures i left out from the previous post. :]
"Mem-patern-patern-kan", their very new word "patern patern".

My lito ju-on.

And i found a handphone fountain minutes after our phones ran outta batt.
It's supposed to shoot water, not handphones, but whatever. Haha.

The source of my sore throat.

Way too much food, couldn't even finish half of it. So invited the wrong people, none of them ate even a single scrap more than us girls.
After the past you'll get magets. It's the process.
Yer you mean really will get worms wan ah daddy?
Yessss. It's the process.
You mean you got before also ah daddy?
NO, because im NOT dirty.
-______-" whatever.


  1. darling trust me it was no fun. i do have plans for the march holidays for me you and von. you free then?
