Monday, March 30, 2009

Alive Indeed

Mum has grounded me for this weekend.
But my friends have something else to say about that. *grins*
I like dad's approach much better.
Motivates me much more effective than mum's.



You are an ungrateful child, you don't study, you keep going out and you'll fail in you finals.
So it's up to you to decide.
I understand that you are playful. But sometimes, you still need to study right? *smiles*
You cannot have it good in both ways unless you manage your time properly. Okay?

Which would you prefer? PICK! I demand you to. *smirks*

And Law Yu-Ying you just saved my sorry ass big time.
I don't know how to repay you except to bring you out for a very nice and satisfying lunch/dinner. You pick! *flashes innocent smile*

I am busy with shitloads of homework.
But I still have my weekends to spare. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
There's so much to do, but so little time to achieve.
Man.. I can say that and I'm still sitting here typing away.
But hey, no difference if I keep tapping away on my phone.

No pictures for last weekend's outing.
But I met alot of new friends. :)
Daphne, Cho Chuan and a few which I don't know of their names. :p whooooops*

And thank you so so so so so so so so so so so so so a gazillion times much:
Daphne - for bringing my stuff to me in Sega although it was raining and wet.
Sean - for accompanying me and convincing me to go. I wouldn't have met awesome ppl if I didn't go. :)
Tsu Sheng - for turning back. I'm so so so so so sorry.

And I remember. I'll buy you awesome people lunch/dinner whenever we meet again okay? :)

As for now I really need to get going. I have tonnes of shit to attend to. 
Not as in biological shit. But more paperwork and reports. *le sigh*

Will be having more pictures by this week.  I promise. *smirks*


  1. Woo, me likey your blog!
    Well, we've got like, err so much to catch up!

  2. I dont like cbox-es or shout mix-es. GAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH. i'll add you on msn la. :D
