Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Being Plain Unorganized

I don't think I'm the kinda person that will be unorganized.
But I came to realize that there're times when I just fling everything everywhere.
From papers to clothes to lingerie and techs.

After a full month of Quinn not being in Penang.
She told me that she left the iPod in Penang for me.
I was astouned. But one thing, I didn't know where to start looking for it.
Cuz as far as I know. I haven't seen it around in a while.
And so I started off in the pile of clothes.
Then the bed. Then my bed. Then everywhere else.
And I still don't know where it went.

Apart from the iPod mystery.
My clothes have been disappearing too.
See, my cheetah print jacket from f21 that I've had for like 2 months?
Disappeared, no where to be found no where to be seen.
Then it's my black off-shoulder dress from Topshop.
I did manage to find my Black skinny jeans and my Faded brown Voir skinny jeans.
But there seems to be so many more missing clothes. GOSH.

Apart from that.
I lost a pair of Charles and Keith brown high heels.
Those were my favourite. I have no idea where it is.
But I wasn't the last one who used them.
And my Turqoise coloured Vincci flats which are still in KL.
I'm supposed to get it back this week.
But another bunch of empty words. All talk no actions. 
rolls eyes*
Tell me why I'm not surprised.

And I lost my Scientific Calculator.
I don't remember where I left it, or who I lent it to.

And my very super cute white coloured glitter clutch.
To console myself, I got myself a brand new Red one. :p
Excuses, I know. Heh.

And I was fussing that I've got too many nice dresses and no occasions to wear it for.
So D, decided to bring me to E&O for lunch/dinner tomorrow.
It depends. Means I get to wear my new stuffs all in one day/night.
Oh and I just realised it's D today. HAHA.

Oh I forgot to mention, to console myself. AGAIN.
I got myself a pair of blue Eclipse heels.
I couldn't help myself. Whooops*

Anyways, have to head to class in another hour's time.
So yeah. Hopefully I'll be able to at least get ONE decent picture tomorrow.
And upload ONE pathetic picture to keep people entertained.
Still no news about the baby in the far-far-away hospital. SIGH!



  2. HAHAHHAHAHAHHAH. And i thought that my post was THAT interesting. hahahahha. Anyways. I found my iPod
    yay me!

  3. ipod? OHH the one that you lent me for Feist and i shouted my god for everyone to hear XD

  4. HAHAHAHHAHAHA. yeah! that one. :p its back in my hands. now i can listen to emo songs 24-7. :D
