Saturday, March 7, 2009

Blessing In Disguise

Remember when we first saw each other.
I couldnt even understand what I, myself was babbling about.
And you could even remember what I said that night up until now. :)
And right at this moment. I dont know if that person calling you up would break me down.
It's hard for me to trust, I will be frank with you.
But I dont wanna be the one who ends up looking for the missing pieces in life that'd be left no where else but with you.
Please dont betray my trust. 

Im staying up waiting to get a report to know that someone somewhere has reached home safe.
Went to dancing class with Kai Sing and Sharmaine.
Man I sure had a good laugh. Too bad I didn't bring any camera.
And I found out something not too surprising.
I have two left feet. Moving around in the club is not exactly a problem.
But choreographed dancing sure gets on my nerves.
Especially when everyone else can remember the steps and you cant.
I prefer random moves and not choreographed ones.
But what the heck, I still registered. HAHA.

Kai Sing ; Jimmy 

*speaks Hokkien*
I'll throw a fish at you I tell you!
*speaks Japanese*
Would you like to have chilly padi?
Or do you prefer wasabi?
*speaks Hokkien*
I dont know what you're saying! Are you speaking Tamil?!
*speaks Japanese*
(Something I failed to interprete)
Oh lu-ka-wa-kong, wa-ka-lu-kong.
Kong kong here kong kong there.


*beep beep*
I think he said that 'Lynne is bad.' HAHAHA.

He asked you whether you want chilly padi or wasabi. HAHAHA.

*beep beep*
Anything also can! 

WOW man. These two are really the funniest friend rivalry I have encountered.
They like to debate just about everything. I cant understand why I dont have the talent to do so.
Maybe cuz I'm too mean too nice of a person! *coughs* Yeah.. MOST PROBABLY. :)

Anyways, I'm not too sure if I can attend Venice's birthday party. Sorry girl, Happy Sweet 16  though.. ;D
And umm.. I'll tryto upload pictures in the next post.
And not so much of words. Long day tomorrow. I'd better get some sleep now. 
G'night everyone.

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