Monday, March 9, 2009

Brief Updates ;)

Just to inform you people out there that I've been busy.
NOT dead. :)
Facebook is pretty dead for now too.
Friendster.. BAH. Completely dead. I seriously couldn't care less.
I have to remind you people.
This Saturday is a very very special day. Check the date. :p
Oh and I've been grounded on the very very special day. HOW AWESOME
For now I'll be a very good girl and finish up whatever I have left undone.
And make sure I dont screw up my mid-term.
Right now, this instant, I have to EARN my freedom. 
Daddy made it clear, 
"If you wanna play, make sure you have a fair share of both. Be serious when you need to, play after you're done."
I feel like I'm the 7 year old pre-school kid all over again.
Oh well, what needs to be done, has to be done.
No more frequent hanging-out-and-wasting-time-weekends. :(

Sean Sun's , Imin's , Sean Sun's , Jamie's , Lynne's , Lynne's , Lynne's , Kai Sing's 
*surprisingly the radioactive rays aint enough to kill us, YET.

Lynne , Imin :)
*p/s: you're so cute when you wanted to resign, hahaha. :p

Venice, Povy, Kai Sing, Imin, Lynne, Jamie 

Lynne, Imin, Kai Sing

Imin & Jamie ; Kai Sing & Lynne

Um, I posted the same picture twice. But wth. HAHA.
Keep the nasty comments to yourself, I know I'm fat. -_-"

Jamie , Venice , Lynne
*this picture just looks so wrong -______-

Everyone :)

Kai Sing , Lynne , Venice , Imin , Jamie

I've been busy with tonnes of things to do.
Oh and credits to Imin , Venice , and Jamie for the pictures. 
Knowing very well why I still dont have the abilities to snap any photos.

X brought Kai Sing & I to Sega on Saturday night.
We had tonnes of laughter. 
X and Kai Sing ate a full chilly. -______-"
I wanted to have a Chocolate Walnut Cookie.
But apparently I am TOO FAT to be eating.

X ; Kai Sing ; Lynne

"Nah Kai Sing, you bring it home to eat.."
"But this one is Lynne's one... "
"She's fat already lahh.. You can have it. *passes it to Kai Sing* "
"But but ..*Kai Sing looks at me with typically BLUR face* "
"FINE! Fat people cannot eat! *grabs mug and continues with drink* "
"She where got fatttt ... TSK. "
"LAST TIME not fat lah.. *touches belly* "
"-________________- *stares at X* "

Actually, I do agree with X when X said 
"*looking at picture from December taken in 1U* I think you easily put on 5 kg.."
"Actually 3kg. *whines* "
"*looks at picture from July taken in Phuket* *eyes nearly pops out*"
"Now I change my mind, I think 10 kg is more like it.. "
" 3.5kg LA! -___________- *sobs*"
"I will give it all away again, watch me, I'll prove it to you.. "
"One month's time enough? .. "
" -_______________- *drags face* , HELLO ! YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO CONSOLE ME! "
"Fine fine, one month it is.. "

So far I dont think I lost any of the weight I've gained yet.
Oh well, I'll do it. WHEN I FEEL LIKE IT. ;p

Back to assignments, reports and homework and revision. *le sigh*

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