Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I must confess, I'm a real life wired
Jimmy you and me we get along a while *teeeeeheeeeeee*
So Jimmy gets high tonight

Current Song: Jimmy Gets High - Daniel Powter *smirks*
Mood: Restless, frustrated, confused and vengeful.

P/s: Beware. I have been suspecting every possible subject recently. Stay away from my baby. *ROARS* 
P/p/s: I hate traitors as much as I hate raisins. The only difference is I run from raisins, but I crush traitors. Whether I have to fart in their faces or shove a broom up their asses/vaginas. (Don't 'eew' me, pfft.)
P/p/p/s: I have been in very unreasonably bad state of mind recently. So please, do not make me wanna rip your face off or tear your eyes out. 'Cause I might just do so to get myself some satisfaction.