Sunday, April 5, 2009

Comparing Sizes

All I will be posting up in this post is pictures from the past.
I can't help but to hear the words that were thrown at me.
Not in a crude way but still. Girls don't like being called FAT.
So I've put on weight. Proves that I've been happy.
But unhealthy. I pledge to loose all the fats I've gained by 1st of June.
Langkawi is waiting for me.

And what inspired me to post all these pics?
I saw my pictures in her recent post.
And I feel so damn sad that I've really grown SO MUCH.
Sideways that is.
So yes.
Watch me do it, I'll prove it to all of you out there.

I need to loose weight and burn fats REALLY BADLY.
SIGH. It's not that easy, when you're NOT depressed.
And pampered day in day out. (p/s: not parents)
And Rozanne! I miss you too. :)

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