Monday, April 27, 2009

The Getaway

NOTE: I will not be updating so many photos or posts here. I will be focusing more on my Private Blog. Updates here will be free and easy and summarized. Nothing too personal anymore. :) For access to the other blog, e-mail me. Friends have already been added. 


Went for a short trip to Batu Feringgi. With family.
First time in a gazillion years. :)

Before heading to Batu Feringgi, met up with loves. :)
Jamie, Ping and Kai Sing.
Then Vincent, Aileen, YF, HW. JC and JT.

Ping's gonna kill me. :p

So is Kai Sing.

Okay. That's all for this post. :)
More detailed version in private blog. *teehee*

Will be busy for the next 5 weeks.
I'll be hybernating for a while now. :)
But no worries, I'll update from time to time. :D

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