Thursday, April 2, 2009

I can't think of a title for this post. Heh.

The typical taking photos in toilets kinda picture.

Soon you'll be seeing a mad driver on the loose.
Either in the Honda CRV, Honda City or Honda Accord.
If daddy buys a Perodua car. I am so not driving it.
Mum can drive it. I'll take the Honda CRV, thank you. ;p

See for a modern child I am considered not asking for much.
Most legal fresh drivers - not that old ones are rotten, ask for cars like BMW's and Merz's and all those super canggih (high tech) cars.
So yes, I am proud of myself.
I used to want the Swift really much. But on second thoughts.
I stick to my Honda City dream first. As an inexperienced driver. 
And I'll lock the extra keys in my drawer or keep it in my bra so mummy doesn't get to drive it.
:p Yes, I don't like sharing. Is that a problem? =p

I should be revising now.
But for a temporary slacker like me. HAH. 
I couldn't be bothered.
I'm still drooling over someone's N85.
And when that someone drives me to mainland. 
Or at least is in the same space as me.
I shall pick-pocket that someone. :p  *evil grins*
I will not rest until it is in my hands/handbag/pocket/anywhere that he cannot reach.
Oh and the best place is my bra some would say.
But no thank you, I don't wanna have to slice one of my boob off for an N85. 

Oh I should really get back to my books now.
Such a temporary saint. *pats self*

Daylight robbery man.

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