Monday, April 13, 2009

Songkran (Thai New Year)

I had the best homemade satay on Earth. 
Though it's not halal, but it so damn delicious I'm craving for more.
I had TomYam and all sorts of Thai food too.
And it's the very first time my neighbours saw me.
They didn't know I was daddy's/mummy's daughter. Lol*
That proves how much I communicate with people. :p

And just to let you know why I had a chance to have all the yummilicious food.
It's the Thai New Year today! :)
Uncle Hock and Auntie Sakuna had a bbq over at their place.
Apparently they are the only neighbour I know ever since Ching moved back to Greenlane.
I had class when the party started so I could only go after class.
When I reached the first thing I was looking forward to was TomYam. 
I love spicy food.
And then I could smell the food on the stove and had to just grab 2 sticks of each.
It was seriously the "best-est" satay I have ever had.
I wanna walk back there and have more.
But unfortunately, I can't.
'Cuz Uncle Hock and his daughter, Selina and My brother, Shing and a few more adults are attacking each other with water guns.
It looks like fun but I had to go home and arrange my books and wash up since I've to get up early.
That's why classes are always the biggest fun-suckers. SIGH.

The Thai New Year (Thaiสงกรานต์ Songkran, from Sanskrit sankrānti "astrological passage") is celebrated every year from April 13 to April 15. It coincides with the New Year of many calendars of South and Southeast Asia.

The date of the festival was originally set by astrological calculation, but it is now fixed. If these days fall on a weekend, the missed days off are taken on the weekdays immediately following. If they fall in the middle of the week, many Thai take off from the previous Friday until the following Monday. Songkran falls in the hottest time of the year in Thailand, at the end of the dry season. Until 1888 the Thai New Year was the beginning of the year inThailand; thereafter 1 April was used until 1940. 1 January is now the beginning of the year. The traditional Thai New Year has been a national holiday since then.

Anyways, I've to go wash up now.

Happy New Year to everyone who knows about the Thai New Year/ is celebrating it right now.

And I'm off to bed. Night!

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