Thursday, May 21, 2009

Gavin's Wedding Dinner

Because blogspot is so gay, I tried twice to load a gazillion pictures but only few survived the homosexualism of blogspot, AND my connection.
Not Wimax, YET.
So just make do with these as sneak peaks or what so.
I'll continue the pictures tomorrow when I get home from class. ;)

I love the bride's dress!
Like ALL of her dresses. So super nice kan! But I didn't get all shots of her dresses.
Was too busy watching the little baby dance and preventing myself 
from turning into ice. 

Lil dude here wasn't exactly unhappy.
He actually learned how to pose with that face. *Pinches cheeks

It was a Saturday.
I had a gazillion books on my table right after my class ended.
And mum told me the dinner was that night, so I didn't exactly have sufficient time to look my best. For a wedding dinner I was under-dressed, for the whole home dinner I was over-dressed.
Yes, I am ashamed. :(

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