Saturday, May 2, 2009

Slow Paced Lazy Dazey Days

MR BestFriend - Kevin took my quiz. 
He only got ONE question wrong. Cuz I never talk to him about cars. 
Heh. *Loves

Anyways, I'm living a super slow paced life.
No heading to shopping malls with friends recently, no late nights out drinking and all.
No overnighting. No beach outings. No friends coming over for the fun of it or me going to friends' places for the fun of it. 

Only assignments. Homework. And I'd hate to admit it, but I have this feeling I'm gonna screw up in my mid-terms. Partly because there's tooooo much (WAY TOO MUCH) disturbance at home, blast the TV volume and play music out loud or LIVE, I can still concentrate. But there's ONE particular voice that I simply cannot tolerate. I think my friends know. :p

And I haven't been exercising too. Lost weight but instead of muscles it's turning into FLABS. *Lol I love making myself seem disgustingly gross. :p 

I miss hanging out with my GoodFs and BestFs.
Who says you cant have more than one best friend?! :p Well I'll show you. 
I miss hanging out with Kevin, hitting the movies and having feasts all day.
Talking about creepy crawlies and finding out new ways to disgust each other and annoy each other and friendly insults. :D
I miss hanging out with Ciern, for once I think just the both of us! It's been so long. We can talk about anything, and I seriously mean ANYTHING as in EVERYTHING.
And Evon! :( She's always so busy. *Sobs in my LONELY CORNER 

Why do we have to be in different classes and locations?! WHYYYYYY.
Sometimes, I wish that Ciern and Evon were my sisters. They are, but I meant, BIOLOGICAL sisters. :D Actually, I wish that all the time. But it wouldn't be fair for them cuz then they'd have to face - ADOLF HITLER II. (Hints: It's so NOT me)  *grins

Anyways, I miss them. And I can't wait till mid-terms are over.
Then I'd have time to bug them. 
I'm meeting Kev this Friday. It's his birthday! :)))))))))

Wont be updating until mid-terms are over. I'm determined to stay away from my laptop! :p

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