Friday, June 12, 2009

I am feeling down.

I feel so horrible. I am sitting in front of my laptop which is placed right smack in front of the tv in the living room wishing I was never born. From my aching rib bones to my almost exploding bladder (I simply don't know why I refuse to move). I just want to sleep and wish that I'll wake up and it's still today and not tomorrow. I can't seem to handle the fact that I have to face my mum tomorrow. And think of what to do tomorrow. What's gonna go wrong tomorrow. And what other shits are coming my way tomorrow. 

I don't feel so happy right now. All of a sudden my heart feels like someone just threw 109478350 darts right at it. A friend invited me to cell group tomorrow. But I'm not too sure if I can make it. I vowed to stay home all day. For until Saturday. Ahh, tomorrow..

I feel like crying when I even think about tomorrow. I think it'd be much better if I could freeze time and defrost those whom I'd wanna spend time with. I feel so wrong that I don't even know what I'm typing. Like Chicken Little, I just suddenly space out and go all "WHO WE TALKIN' BOUT AGAIN?". I shit you not.

This whole emotion thing is seriously wiping me out slowly on the inside. It feels as though a part of me is dead and that I'm dying all over again. I really have no idea what to do. I need to face reality. I need someone to talk to. I need, sleeping pills. -.-" Pain killers and a box inspiration. Aeroline to KL for a day trip perhaps? 

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