Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Sacrifice a few good months to achieve a life long of good years.

So I've been blogging without pictures for a gazillion posts.
Today I feel like taking the trouble to post up nonsensical pictures just so my blog wouldnt look like a blank white page. Although my mind is exactly like a blank white page now.

I'm wearing traditional wear. I'll bring it for you to see and you can think about your speech.
Can I be your make-up artist too?
Yes! :)
GOOD! Then you have to go get a new commentator.
*Laughsoutloud* Nononononononono, you have to be 2-in-1.
*sniff sniff*

See, I've been so stressed about the whole looking for background music thing. The pig. The bull terrier. The black dog that wants to chew all my fingers off while attempting to hump my leg while I walk outside in the morning. And the whole "Sacrificing a few months" issue. Being lazy to drive to class all the time issue. And the commentator issue.

I've been overly stressed to a point where I finish 4 masks in a month when I usually only use 2 a month. That I refuse to step outta the house because I'm so afraid that I'd loose all my inspiration to the fun that surrounds me when I'm out with my friends. And I've been waking up at 2.30am, 3am or 4am just to scare myself that I am late for class. -______-"

So yes, I am losing alot of hair. :(
And I mean everytime I put my fingers on my head. Try to comb my hair with my fingers because I'm too lazy to use a comb. And this happens. Therefore, I am no longer touching my hair anymore. Because I already loose enough hair while washing it. And now it's happening outside the loo! Ohmigoshness. Urgh.

I need recommendations. Which hair saloon to go to for a nice trim and an and EFFECTIVE hair treatment to prevent me from being Smeagol/Gollum (from LOTR). I will not attach a picture of him here because then you'd be imagining me like that when you see me. :(

Oh and next time, girls should so totally let guys do the shopping.
They shop like it's nobody's business. And it's pretty fun actually, that they are somehow pretty clueless. HAHA. I snapped a shot of them without them noticing. :p

Both looking absolutely clueless. :p

And this fella knows nothing about this picture. *evil grins*

The picture above, taken after coming back from E&O with the pig. It was so super yummilicious that I didn't stop feeding myself. :p
And to think of it, I only wore this dress only once after I bought it. I shall wear it sometime, soon. :p

While I was waiting for the pig to pick me up. This is pretty much the place where everything ended and started out. A long long long and complicating story. :D But it still ended up pretty well now, no? :)

And I miss the fishballs that I used to get to eat almost every once in a week. Oh and in those two packets. Are 80 fishballs. That I managed to gobble up 85% of it. I could eat more. But too bad I had to share. :p HAHA. I like fishballs. It's just so irresistable, to me of course. Call me fat, whatever. I'd still engulf these if they were anywhere near me. :D *drools*

Okay, because Bali is prettier than me. I will post up more of Bali.
Than of me. :p Of course, my camera had a good time with Evon in their Bali trip.
It got to stay in their Deluxe Room, it got to fly on a plane without mummy torturing it too much.
It got to smell the air of Bali and well.. Okay fine, I'm just being jealous.

It's so funny how people who lives life much better than these people
can actually complain about not having enough.
Desiring the LV's and the Gucci's,
When all these people have are each other and a life to live and to be contented with.

Pretty pretty pretty reflection.

Never see anything like this in Malaysia now, do you?

Evon's dad reading something in their Deluxe Room.
Stupid Evon didn't bring me there. :p
But I still love her. *grins*

Okay, so this is a very very simple post. I know.
But I'm juggling balls of confusion now.
To think about the future courses. The trips yet to be planned.
The getting a new mobile phone issue.
The whole diet failure. LOL.
And argh, the HITLER issue.

I have to get back to my work now.
Let's all hope that Lynne does not fall asleep on her books again.
Or let her books fall asleep on her while she falls asleep.
I'm being such a lazy bum that I can even manage to bore myself awake sometimes.
But most of the times, I just bore myself to sleep.
I'm being a piggier pig than the pig, now I know that it is REALLY contagious.
Protect yourselves from laziness, by *fill in the blanks* (wish i knew too).
And take care of yourselves everyone. H1N1 is alllllll over now. :\

It's funny how we feel so much
but cannot say a word.
Though we are screaming on the inside,
oh we can't be heard.
I'm so afraid to love you,
but more afraid to loose.
Clinging to a past that doesn't let me choose.

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