Monday, July 20, 2009

Contradicting facts.

Rather interesting how people label dimwits. :)
Assuming that assumptions are made corresponds with the thoughts of themselves being dimwits in everyone's heads. :p

Perhaps I should go for whatever English class they are attending.
To see how inevitably hopeless they actually are. :D
Less brainers stand up for no brainers who acts big only around people who have guts.
So less brainers who posts half nude in pictures have guts and no brainers just suck cock skipping classes. :]

It's so funny how a few statements on the same piece of shit is so contradicting.
This time, learning from a friend in KL.
Though I don't really know her, and I dont really talk to her as often.
She always has this PM up. "Life goes on."
It matches with the "Ignorance is bliss" on my PM column. :D
Thanks SeeJay! If you ever see this.
So yeah, being ignorant from now on.
Was ignorant all the while, just not as much that it needed to be.
So yeah, the black pitbull puppy is here.
But now pig is having second thoughts and going for the bull terrier.
Then what about my pitbull?! :(
He's gonna bring it back too.
But i'll make sure it kills his bull terrier.
Ciern, you won't like the dog i'll pick.
But you'll like the one the pig is about to get. :p
Please don't bury it Ciern. You are 'Kai Ma'.
'Kai Ma's don't bury their god children! :p
Update soon.

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