Now that i'm back home.
In penang, where all my soft toys are.
I brought an addition back home.
Jims gave it to me, it's called snuggles.
I know snuggles is such a common name for toys.
But don't expect me to name it Margaret or Latoya or whatever sophisticated names you have in mind.
Because snuggles is so cute, i'm bringing snuggles everywhere i go.
Except for the loo. :p
So few days before i went to KL.
I kidnapped Evon from her place.
Influenced her to do something really bad. *ahems* We know.
Then we headed of to Sakae Sushi in Queens.
My new favourite is this mad delicious tofu.
I am going to have this tofu again, tomorrow. :p
Seejay picked me up from IOI Mall which i called one-o-one mall. -.-
And got her confused for a bit. :p
Then we headed off to somewhere, someplace for a while.
And it was back to the hotel. :)
Had fun there, and fyi, i do not feed on attention.
So don't get me wrong now.
More pictures on facebook! :D
The picture below was taken by someone super un-pro.
And partly my fault for forgetting that my camera was on Macro.
Oh well, instead of blaming myself, of course i'd rather blame the photographer. *smirks*
Btw, Seejay's toilet damn chio! She got eyelashes all over her mirror!
And i've got the same bed sheet as hers just that hers is grey and mine is pink. :DD
And on my way back from KL.
Because someone was snoring so damn loud behind me which was clearly obstructing me from sleeping.
So i had no PSP, gameboy, nintendo ds lite, ipod touch or whatsoever.
I only had my camera, what else? Camwhore! :D
I'm tired, gonna go wash up and sleep.
Hope i can find something nice to blog about. Or more like, better events so i could snap more pictures. Bahh..
Night everyone! :)
i seriously needa talk to you. xoxo ROZ