Sunday, December 28, 2008

What I've Been Up To

24th November, 08

I stayed home the whole day, and we sang mum a birthday song and cut the cake and all. Its chocolaty and minty at the same time. But i could only taste the mint when it's melted. We didnt celebrate at some fancy place, but at home. :] And then we went out for dinner together, i dont remember where.

16th December, 08
Evon came over to my place in the morning, and then we walked to Queensbay. Both lost our previously super athletic stamina and started panting before we reached the bridge. "We're getting old!" says Evon. And i got a haircut and met up with Joey for a while. He got his haircut too. :]

Pictures from the 17th Dec-18th December not available here. *smirks* Private blog. :]
19th December, 08
Teddy bear dropped me off in One Utama, then he went to meet his hot babe. She was just being launched that day. ;p It's a car, but a babe to them guys. So i met up with my gorgeous darling after one year of not seeing each other. VeeVian! We hugged each other and talked so much there was barely any time for pictures. Im gonna miss you babe. Do keep in touch with me although you're leaving for Aussie on the 1st of Jan okay? *sobs*

No doubt the deco in One Utama outbeats every single deco in the Island. What to do right, we're in an island? *grins*

Then teddy sent me to the airport. I was so sleepy/tired when i got to the airport. It was so jam packed, sorry teddy! The moment i got out from the car im already missing the city despite the fact that i was still in the city. When i got on the plane i felt so hungry but the thoughts of not being able to see teddy and veevian for quite some time made me wanna cry. It was so humiliating. Then i got home and pigged away.
25th December, 08
I missed the city more than ever. I even wished that when i get up from bed i'll magically be in the city again. And who said Penang has the best food? It's labelled so wrongly i want to correct that myself. The food i had in the city was much better. Though i didnt get to try the Nasi Lemak he recommended but i'll be back for it! Hee..
Got dressed at around 4.30pm. Then headed over to mainland to celebrate granny's birthday. Still as fit as ever and still as fair as ever. She cooks the best food on Earth, well to me that is. :]

Blew the candles and then got home at around 10.30pm. And i forgot what i did after. Heh.

Anyways, this is my very brief update, since my blog is back alive. I will start bringing my camera out to wherever i go again. Will be meeting Mr.BestFriend tomorrow for a movie, boy do i miss his horrid ways of making me wanna gag him all the time. Wont have many pics for tomorrow but still, at least one or two.

Oh and im supposed to have a small gathering in my place. But i cant decide when, Evon please help me out. ;p You know i need you in this whole organizing thing. And um, New Year's eve. Multiple invitations and no transportation. And mum is punishing me this NY's Eve, "You have to bring your brother along wherever you go." . Imagine, a seven year old, with me... wherever i go.. *faint heartbeat* THE HORRRROORRRRR ! She might as well ask me to live in a dungeon full of scorpions for NY's Eve.

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