Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The festive where family members reunite .

Chinese New Year - This year is the year of the Ox. Moomoo's year! *smirks*
Tonight we're prolly gonna go watch Bride's War, but no solid plans yet.
I tried uploading alot of the cute pictures with the little princesses of the family but is gaying with me, so I'll do it next time.

But at least I managed to upload a few pictures before could gay with me completely. ;p

My Chinese New Year wasn't all exactly fun and happening this year round, but I sure had a splendid time catching up with cousins that're far from home and all. 
Baby Ally and Lisa, Susan and Sukim from KL.
The rest over in Butterworth.

Aunt Mag, Lynne, Aunt Doreen. :)
p/s: she wasnt wearing heels lor, and she's still taller than me. :(

Been quite some time since I vained like that. So yeah.
I do have to admit I look completely different in real life. So whatever.

Spot me. ;p

Last but not least.
Enjoy this festive where you get to meet your relatives and enjoy eating like it's nobody's business then put on a gazillion pounds and start regretting. :D
Happy holidays all! 

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