Thursday, January 29, 2009

What A Productive Day

28th January, Wednesday

Got up, sent a text to Evon and she came over to my place in an hour's time.
We both got ready and waited for Quinn to get all dolled up.
Quinn was going out with Jie Hu, I THINK.
Then Evon and I just wanted to walk around since it's been ages since we last saw each other.
Okay maybe just a week. 
I put on my skinny jeans and a black blouse.
Evon was wearing a yellow blouse and white shorts.
Then later on Kai Sing rang, "Lynnnnnnneeeee, I'm so bored.... Wanna go Queens?"
Lucky her we were already there.
She showed up from behind me.
And gave me a smack on my buttock. :p
She was wearing skinny jeans and a red spaghetti.
We headed to Friday's for late lunch.
The usuals.
Kai Sing had Lemonade.
I had Orangeade.
Evon had Iced Lemon Tea.
Then Jeremy showed up outta no where.
And then Joey came to join us too.
*takes a deep breath*
Anyways, we went to get movie tickets.
The movie ticket was RM42.
I paid the guy RM52, 'cause I didnt want small change.
Then he gave me the tickets.
And RM40 back.
I walked away.. then Kai Sing and I were thinking why did all our tickets only cost RM12.
And I went back and gave him back the RM30.
Blur enough he didnt know why I gave it to him so I had to explain.
He thought I gave him RM100.
For other Penang people sure gasak the money and cabut lor. *pats self*
I've done a good deed. :) *flashes innocent smile*
Then someone surprised me with a Guess wallet. THAT HE WASNT SUPPOSED TO KNOW ABOUT. *ahemKAISINGahem*
And I got Kai Sing her second birthday present.
Then we headed for the movie 'INKHEART'.
I have no comments 'cause I ran off to AZUMA for udon instead of finishing the movie. ;p
Shut up, I know I eat alot.
Then I was supposed to watch 'Brides War' with Moomoo but in the end we decided to chillax.
He brought his babies. (note:not human babies, his psp and guitar)
And then we left Queens at about 9.30pm.
Moomoo was driving, I was on his left.
Behind me was Evon, Kai Sing then Jeremy.
Kai Sing was really funny throughout the whole time.
We went to Sunset Bistro.
We wanted food. But the kitchen was already closed.
So Kai Sing and I went to the Arabic Restaurant just opposite to get pizza and fries.
We waited for around 25 minutes.
And while waiting we had a heart-to-heart talk.
We agree on so much about *ahem* people.
Then we had fun taking silly photos, attempting to jump but failed so badly.
And there were fireworks that nearly gave me a cardiac arrest.
And we sang (without giving a damn if the people around us were bothered or not) , Moomoo played the guitar. *smirks*
Got home and Evon stayed over.
I was talking online at first, then ended up talking on the phone, then texting till 5 in the morning.
I didnt dream about anything this time.
No full burberry room for teddy or picking babies from sea turtle screens. *goofy smiles*

29th January, Thursday.

Was supposed to go to Gurney for Kai Sing's birthday thingy.
But ended up picking Queens 'cause I live so geddamn near.
I could reach there in 5 minutes if I ran fast enough and wanted to be drenched in sweat in a mall filled with people. I shit you not. I will try that one fine day.
Evon and I got up at about 11am.
We got ready.
I changed my outfit three times due to some human errors.
Chian's mum sent us to Queensbay Mall, thanks auntie!
We had Sakae Sushi.
Chian's 'more than friends' came.
Aileen came later on.
I wanted to get tickets for 'Brides War' for Moomoo and I.
But the holiday crowd is just sickening.
Then we walked around.
We contributed another F21 dress for Kai Sing, I'm pretty sure she loves it. 
(note: I used the word LOVE okay, means like alotalotalotalotalot times a gazillion times)
Then Evon's brother, Tony came, and he dropped me home.
I remember him saying "You can marry Lynne first."
And then Evon said "She's already my wife."
And we all laughed. Silly people indeed.
I reached home at about 5pm? Super early. *pats self*
Without doubts, I'm such an angel. *flashes innocent smile*
I changed and slept from 5.25pm till 7.13pm.
I keep track. Hahaha. My regular sleeping time.
Then I went downstairs, had fried rice and fish fillet for dinner.
I feel like gagging myself for eating so much sometimes.
But oh well. Too bad. It's already in my tummy.
I called teddy at about 12.00pm.
Teddy just got up, and teddy sounded so geddamn sexy.
"Eh..lo..iiim awwaaaaaaa*yawns*aaakkke..*yawns again*.."
"What song is it that you want me to hear..?"
Then we went on for about 10 minutes.
That stupid teddy forgotten about the whole calling me after meeting baby Ryan deal. :(

Anyways, I got the Moonlight Resonance disc from Jeremy, Kai Sing told him to lend it to me. Thanks both of you. Now I can see how far true is it that it'll make me cry. =p
Goodnight all! 

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