Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I've Been Busy

I've been caught up with tonnes of things to do.
My MSN is still gaying with me. I can't sign in. :'(
I've been putting alotta effort into making things right.
I've been really good for the start of the year, and i promise i'll be better.
I promised to ace every paper i'm taking, and i'm working really hard.
I barely sleep and my face is shedding, due to the weather.
I barely have time to live, i've been working on things day in day out.
I'm learning how to be patient since certain people have been making me wait for pure nothingness.
I'm learning how to let go of something i never had.
I'm learning about a lot of things..
And a promise to myself, i will be better someday.

p/s: i miss all the food and giggling sessions with moo-moo. :'( hurry up and come back.
p/p/s: i miss someone more than someone misses me, i need to let go *slaps self*.
p/p/p/s: i look so haggard people think that im actually 30years old.

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