Sunday, January 18, 2009

If only ...

If only you knew how much you mean to me.
If only i meant more to you.
If only you could treat me right.
If only you were who you portrayed yourself as when you're only with me.
If only i had the courage to tell you how much you mean to me.
If only i had the guts to remind myself, that it's time to let go.
If only you were the you that i wanted to see.
If only you could be a little more attentive.
If only you didn't mess with my head with all those contradicting words.
If only you could see how much you've hurt me, just by being the egoistic guy you are.
If only you were me, you'd be the one typing all of my "If Only's".

I've been caught up with work, assignment recalls, charity and all.
I havent got the mood to blog recently because so many things are going on now.
I need some time off, i'm glad there's the Chinese New Year's super short break.
I need to be shunned.
I need to get away from everyone else, including myself.
I'm feeling so damn emo, i dont even know where to start off and where to stop.
AGHHH! *shrugs* I'll update after CNY.
Love much people.

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