Sunday, January 4, 2009

People Who Mean The World To Me !

These were done randomly, i was testing out the difference of 2mp, 4mp, 7mp and 10.1mp and 14.7mp. So yeah. Im posting up the 4mp ones. :]
I remeber pledging somewhere that i will not take photos anymore. But i guess it's not one of my resolutions to fulfill. Heh. At least the tandoori meals cannot go on forever. Hah.

Aunt Doreen, Eric Koko and Adeline Jie Jie actually came from Ipoh by bus. Scary much. They reached Malaysia few days ago from Sydney but went to Ipoh from KL to pick up 'Chim Po Chor'. Aunt Doreen's mum. And it's been ages since i last saw Adeline Jie Jie and Eric KoKo, their actually my aunt and uncle but they look far too young to be called aunt or uncle. :]

Adeline Jie Jie ever so petite and pretty, she's a lawyer. Aunt Doreen says she's very much like me. Have to ALWAYS be punctual and like everything has to always be organized and all. :]

That's dad with Eric Koko, he's a doctor. Ever so polite. He's like the most gentleman outta every single gentleman i tell you. Seriously. He's so nice and just so polite. Ever since i first saw him. When i was 7 i think.

Julian picked me up at 11.40pm. I was grumbling alot, and he always has ways to cheer me up. He has known me since i was 11 years old. And i have always been reknowned to him for pulling pranks and being mischievously mischievous to him. But im a good innocent little girl now aren't i? *flashes innocent smile* :)

Quinn tagged along. Then disappeared into thin air a while later.

Oh THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU Julian for saving my tummy from torment. *smirks* Dont go back to KL soooooo early! Whose gonna be here to bully me with the whole teddy walking thing. Oh and now im kinda worried my teddy bears will silently walk into my room and suffocate me with their buttocks. -_-"

That's all for tonight. Will try to update tomorrow. But after that i think there will be less updates. I promise to update about the awesome-st tandoori soon. :]

Live every second like it was your last one.

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