Sunday, January 4, 2009

Gloomy day ; Thunder storms ; Home alone

I know i promised to post about the awesome-st Tandoori i have been craving for, but apparently there was not enough space for me in the car. But idk why mum would ask Quinn to tag along and not me. Nothing too personal here. I remember. So yeah whatever. I decided to give you a tour to my humble little home instead. :]

The tv, people always leave it on and LEAVE home.
I wonder why. *rolls eyes*

The ostrich hand-painted egg we bought from South Africa
three years back together with the giraffe.

The beaver Jonathan bought for me.
Man i miss having him around to crack silly jokes.
Hope he's doing fine in UK.
[i pledged not to take pictures of myself, i rmb too]
This is not really taking a picture of myself so shuddup. ;p
Back in Phuket, i thought i was gonna be a celebrity.
Cheh, fat hope. HAHA.
Where i've been sitting since 10am until now.
(approximately 5.39pm now)
My thighs have the chair's marks and
my buttocks are too rested. I NEED TO GO OUT! :(
The Kachina we got from Arizona,
somehow i find so many different cultures in our house.

The small little walkway that links to the back door,
wet kitchen and what we call the 'glass room'.

The bamboo wind chimes.
Much better than the "cling-cling-clang-clang" ones.
That's how i address it, mind you. ;p

The garden.

The outside view.

Simply me, wanting some attention. ;p

The plant that hurts my fingers when i touch it and pokes right
through my shorts when i walked pass it.
I dont like it.

I remember telling someone in KayElle about the chilly.
So are you tempted to come and try some ? *smirks*

They're really spicy, that's why i NEVER eat them.
Ever since the first encounter that made me almost faint on my plate of rice.
I never had one ever again.
I remember having a picture of Kev & Daniel playing with this statue's
YES i said titties, you can address it as nipples if you want to. ;p
*click to enlarge*

And the Buddha face painting that took us (dad, sis and i)
so long to put up.

It's so gloomy today,
and no one's at home except for the maid and 'Chim Po Chor' which is
currently sleeping.

I should be out eating Tandoori right now! Hmmph!

My source of cancer causing closet.
And i am loaded!
Not with money but with Koko Crunch.
It's an obsession. ;p
And for you to laugh at,
me when i was 7 or 9? Idk.
Look at my constipated face.
Reminds me of 'The Game Plan'.
"My parents never let me have sugar."
"Awwww... Is that why you never smillllllle?"

Laugh harder to this one.
I remember all the pictures in this album.
I labelled it the Madagascar album,
simply because Gloria was inside the movie.
And i play Gloria's role in the photo album.

How dad would address it,
"Those were the days.... when i had more hair."

My plushies are sleeping outside,
for two reasons.
The suffocating with their buttocks part and 'cause
we've got guests.

My room has always been clean and tidy. *pats self*
Such an angel. Syok sendiri betul.

Though the bed is messed up.
'Cause i was just in no mood to make my bed.
Gosh, it's an improvement to the whole
ADHD+OCD+Bipolar thing. =p

Quinn's room, it will only be so tidy when we have guests in
our house. Trust me.

Luggages everywhere.

Oh and introducing Quinn's wardrobe.

And being the angel i am. *flashes innocent smile*
Seeeee... Awwww. This time seriously too syok sendiri.

AHEMS, whoever said i dont save money?

More humiliating pictures of me. -.-"

I have one in my room too! This two are downstairs.
We have more still in the old house.

I love the lamp, and the elephant.
Not so into the pot though.

It's a bird cage.

Just for the ambience and all.
We dont keep birds in a cage, their meant to be free!

The annoying wind chime.
We have TWO. *faints*
I hate the "cling-cling-clang-clang"s.

I guess that's all about where i live?
No further pics of other places daddy says.
Especially his room. So yeah, this is all for now.
I still insist on having Tandoori! Im frustrated now.
And only this post took me 2 hours. To load all the pictures. *pfft*
Oh, enjoy the LAST few hours of liberty people. ;p

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