Saturday, January 24, 2009

Short Update

Just got my pay not long ago. IT IS A POST DATED CHEQUE. WTH right? But anyways.
I received a bear from someone from work previously. Dont wanna mention who.
Mum laughed again. -_-"
And there was a lip gloss inside too.
I am still wondering how he found out which brand of lip gloss I'm using.
And a new bag from Guess. Not pricey in my opinion. *smirks*

It's pink, for a change. I have never really liked pink. But oh well.
I guess this was the only bag that looked good to me. :)
Oh and I'm sure few friends of mine knows why I've been feeling down in the dumps lately.
But no worries, I've found a new hobby to get my mind off things for a while.
I am bedazzling everything that I can whenever I start thinking about things again.
It's not that I'm living in denial, just that I'd rather not think about it and let it fade slowly.
Than to try so hard to forget. It's not a race, like what moo moo said.
So I should take some time off from all the things around me.

I AM FEELING EMO WHAT! What else to do than to express it through lousy emoing pictures kan? Mock me all you want. But it's my rights to be a fool for once. :p

Went shopping with Kai Sing and Jeremy and Evon on Friday.
Bumped into a few people. And finally got my pictures developed. Happy much! :)

That's all i guess. Feeling rather drowsy now. Gonna go sleep my day away again. :)

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