Wednesday, January 7, 2009

This is no emo post. ;D

bar celona ; kay elle
Just a random thought.
If you had one chance, to pick from many choices.
Would you want to relive a certain moment?
Rekindle some old flames?
Change something from the past?
Or would you just take the chance to thrive for a better tomorrow and a better future?
As much as we all want things to go our way,
it never does.
As much as we all would like to relive certain moments,
it's too far behind.
As much as we would want to rekindle old flames,
it would eventually die out again.
And as much as you would want to change something from the past,
would it change all the bad situations you are in now,
but take all the good things away?
We live, we learn, we make mistakes.
We cry, we laugh, we learn to move on.
There is no success without failure.
And no lessons learned until you stop repeating the mistakes.
Just one chance, just one day,
would you want to change all of today,
and risk losing all of your tomorrows?
I'd take the chance and thrive for a better future.
What about you?

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