Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Hey there people !

Hey everyone!

Sorry for the lack of updates. I've been busy getting myself into horrible situations.
Like how people throw my stuff all over my own room.
Then flip the lights on and off all day and use sarcasm on me while i sleep.

How nice is life some are asking? It's awesome! Because i came to realize i dont give a fuck about whatever shit situations people are trying to get me into.
And being me, i seriously couldn't care less about my surroundings.
If i care about you, you'd know. If i dont, well butt outta my life too. :]

I've been rather exhausted, tired and getting frustrated with the shit loads of work to do. But it's a good thing, 'cause then i wouldn't even have time to care about those idiots around me. Jamie you know who.. *smirks* I've only been having 2 hours of sleep for each day for the past few days. Moving about all day isn't exactly a thing for people with insomnia to do. 'Cause i get tired and yawnnaverage of 50times a miute but i still cant manage to fall asleep.

Oh well, since i still have time i'm gonna finish up the rest of my work then head to bed for a good .. wait.. GREAT two hours of sleep.

I will update as soon as possible. IF i have anything interesting that wouldn't bore you people out there. :D

Till then, have jolly schooling/college/working days ahead people!

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