Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Belated Valentine's Post ;p

I expected my Valentine's night to suck. And it did.
But looking on the bright side. I bumped into someone again.
And boy am I happy I did. :D
It really turned things around.
To all those who accompanied me through my horrible Valentine's night.
I love you people. :) 

Received a bouquet of roses as soon as I finished washing up after getting home from class.
The poor delivery guy stood outside my house not knowing if he's at the right place up until Von reached my place and gave him a confirmation. 
And to the person who sent the flowers. Thank you for the lovely flowers. :)

For a person who loves daisies and lavender.
I can't deny the fact that the roses are pretty too. :)

8 bears. Von riddled out what it meant. ;p
Officially proved that I've got no imagination at all.

Had class until 4.30pm or so.
Then I got all dolled up and went to Queens to meet up with Venice and Grace.
Von left and went home as she didnt feel like going out.
We had so much to talk about. For real. 
And so many hours spent talking, we still have tonnes to talk about.
Anyways, from Queensbay we left for Kai Sing's place.
It was the typical jam o'clock time. So yeah, it took us a while to get to Kai Sing's place.
Then Kai Sing's mum, Auntie Grace, picked Jamie up and sent us all to Gurney.
Lazy bums that still will not start driving. ;p
Oh and

Venice & I

Venice & Jamie

And we know we suck at taking self-shots.

Kai Sing & I
p/s: I really had no idea our dresses look so similar to one another until
someone asked if we were trying to indicate that we're twins.
p/p/s: I know i'm too short to be her twin. Someone's gonna be soooo geddamn happy when she sees this.
p/p/p/s: It wasn't planned. ;p

We went to chill at Segafredo.
And such a coincidence, I saw someone again. :)
We just adore each other kan? *smirks*
I call it FATE. :p

Jamie and the bf spent Valentine's together.
And as for me. The very-oh-so-single one..
With friends. And being the lamp-post AS USUAL. *ahems*
Jamie & I

I proposed to Kai Sing, HAHA.

And she rejected me in every way. ;p

Kai Sing & I

Venice & I

Venice ; Lynne ; Jamie

Then we all went our separate ways. 
Jamie and the bf to somewhere.
Venice and her friend to another somewhere.
The night started out bad.
Then it got better.
Then as morning came, it started out bad.
Then good then bad again.
Then better.
HAHA, I'm sorry but I just cant help but to rant a little more than I actually need to.

Anyways, I wont be having any updates for the time being.
Cuz I've got shit loads to do and well, now that it's over. 
I have something better to do.
And hey, I feel appreciated. Finally. :)

I'm erasing everything that has you in it.
I hope you're happy the way you are, cuz I'll be walking outta your life.
And soon enough you'll be outta mine.

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