Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Of Stressful Mornings and Sleepless Nights

I didn't mean to abandon my blog for so long.
But I've been caught up with so much to do.
From birthday celebrations to neverending Japanese Food.
From papers to books.
From one end of the island to another.
Now I've finally got some time to update just for a bit before I get back to work stuff.

It's been days. So many hours. Even more minutes. Dont bother counting seconds.
I keep slapping myself on the inside, reminding myself that we've both drawn the line.
Friends till the end. That's all it'll be. :)
I do miss spending time with the bear though. But oh well. 
One's into alcohol. One's too much of a workaholic type.
People of different worlds. 

Oh and I was about to blog about how I dont know how I even offended certain people till they have to call me rude names.
But you know what, I wouldnt bore people with the topic of how low a loser can go.
Note: I did not state names. Read and reflect. Assumptions are for idiots. Dont flatter yourself here.
Anyways, I tried to upload more pictures. But apparently my connection sucks.
I'll just make do with whatever's up.

I cant remember where we went, prolly Queens with KaiSing and Jeremy.
Uncle Haven sent the Princess home in the MiniCooper which he calls 'Sampah' a.k.a 'Rubbish'. No offense oh-high-and-mighty owner of the car.
HAHAHA. I dont want one no more. ;p

"Heyyyyyy. Copyrights! Copyrights!"
*turns away*
"Man I just love stalking people."

He went back to UK just a few hours ago.
Couldn't send him off.
It'd be way too awkward with all the relatives there.
Safe trip home yeah! :)

Just in case you forgot how I look like.
Oh and the hand is there.. 'Cause I've got this HUGE zit that took over half of my face!
I'm not exaggerating! It is HIDEOUS. ;p
But it's gone now. :D My faithful companion - Oxy5/Oxy10/OxyCover

Next day, was unwell.
I shit you not, I was reaaaallllly unwell.
Oh and we sent Quinn off. 
I made her room into my new study area. :D
I miss her already. :(
Business me away sister! Business me away... *inside joke*

Since she got a pink one this round. I want an apple green one when it's my turn to leave! ;p
Updates soon. Till then. Take care! 

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