Sunday, February 1, 2009

Dreading Tuesday

I wanted to update with shit loads of pictures.
138 pictures to be exact.
But blogspot is gaying. 
The connection seems fine.
Idk, maybe it's not the right time to blind you people with all the pictures yet.
I'll update, I want to.
But recently my patience has been running low.
I get annoyed by the littlest things that happens. So don't try me.
Anyways, a gazillion thank you's to KaiSing for encouraging me to go out yesterday.
It wasn't much of a celebration but at least I get to talk to KaiSing.
Oh and credits to Jeremy and Joey too.
Japanese food for four days in a row. They might feel like throwing up.
But to be frank, I am indeed craving for more.
Explains why I'm fat, but wtheck, I'm too in love with food to go on diet. ;p *ahems*
Updates soon. Bye everyone! 
Class starts tomorrow. I've got shit loads of work to do.

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