Friday, January 30, 2009


It's 2.47am.
I'm still watching the Cantonese drama.
Had a splendid talk with teddy just now up until the 'going out to wet..' phrase came out.
I couldn't get myself to smile on cam anymore.
So yeah, whatever.

Im meeting Ciern tomorrow.
Frankly, I miss this girl so much and we've got so much to talk about. Seriously.
I couldn't think of any other ways to describe how much I miss spending time with her.
Moomoo, Joey and I are gonna pick.
Inkheart or Bride Wars.
I say Bride Wars.
I've been pissing people off lately.
I even pissed myself off.
So yeah. I'm gonna shut up these days so I dont piss anyone else off. 

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