Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I FOUND MY SISTER ! *throws confetti*

Upon going online for the entire day waiting for my sister to appear online.
I finally see her online!
She disappeared for a gazillion days and has finally showed up.
At least now I know she's alive and not m.i.a. ;p 
And her excuse for disappearing is "I'm busy mahh.."
Thank gosh she still has the whole Malaysian gig in her.
If she tells me "I'm busy mate..", and the 'Eyh's and the 'Aye's I'll slap her in the face so hard when she comes back to Penang. :p

Time to send a shopping list to her and tell her to shop for stuffs for me.
Whether she likes it or not. *flashes innocent smile*
Oh well, Von's gonna be over in a jippy so I'd better start clearing the tables.
For now it's covered with assignment papers and essays. 
All my last minute corrections. *sighs*

Then tonight it's prolly Queens or Gurney for dinner.
B will be busy anyways. So I guess it's kinda nice to spend some quality time with the bestf.
CIERN! You still owe me tonnes of dates. Ciern's the bestsis. :D

QUINN you better start telling me interesting things that has been going on.
Or else.. *flashes razor sharp teeth*


  1. who's the B? 'B will be busy anyways' ? uh huh.

  2. HOHOHHOO. I shall update you when you date me. :p
