Friday, March 6, 2009

Webcaming Sessions. ;p

It's been such a long while since I can update on weekdays.
And such a long long time since I actually webcammed with anyone else.
Except for my horrible sister in Australia that was supposed to call me an hour ago.
Horrible sister if you're reading this it's to let you know how horrible you are.
And how I horribly miss your horrible-ness. :(
Okay, enough with the horribles.

First off, I webcammed with Philip.
He was complaining about how he'd grown sideways.


Remember the shirt you bought for me when you were 14?
Yeah.. -__- Now i do.
I fat till almost cannot wear d k.
If i see you.. And you're not as fat as you described yourself to be.
I will shove food into your mouth and make sure you eat until you fei tut tut!
HAHA, dont worry. You wont get a chance.

p/s: It's a pink hippo, not a pink pig. But call it a pig if you want to. Cuz it does look like one. ;p
p/p/s: I'm not gonna give it to you. Because the more you want it, the more I want it for myself. :p
p/p/p/s: It's not like you'll be reading my blog, so nevermind. -____-

Then I saw my darling younger sister come online.
Second webcamming victim.
First sentence I threw at her.
"When do you wanna go out? Been ages since we last saw each other..! :( "
"What say this Saturday?"
Haha. But nah.. Not this Saturday.


Oi, what pose is that?
That one ah? Umm.. Blushing girl. *inside joke*
Show me the La Lingerie pose!
*flashes la lingerie signature pose*
No use la! I'm not wearing low cut also.

*Ciern answers a call*
Who is it? Raymann ah?
Yup. *continues with her phone call*
SOB! I've got no calls!
How do you make a screen shot?
I called Raymann and asked him.
NO FAIR! I've got no Raymann to call! :(((((
*Ciern answers call again*
CANNOT! I also wanna answer call!
*Lynne picks up both phones and pretends to talk*
HAIYA! Cannot la like that... TSK!
*Lynne's phone rings for real*
OMG! Impt phone call. Brb.

Oh and babe! I've got those ear rings too! Hahahahahahhahahahhaha. :p

I miss her so so so so so so so so so so so so so much. :(
We have so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so many things to talk about.
I'll drive you around the whole island. ONE FINE DAY. ;p
And dont forget, you're supposed to date me one day! Just you and me, me and you.
That sounded so wrong. But oh well. 
I'm feeling tired now. 5.26PM. Wayyyyyy pass my bed time. 
Will be up by 7pm. Hopefully. :)
Good day everyone! 

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