Monday, March 16, 2009

When the stars go blue .

Taken on the day I secretly met Kevin.
For some very top secret project. HAHAHAHAHA. 
Evon & Ciern knows. :p

Beautiful day.

Oh. And before I forget.
Today I feel like grumbling about certain things. So bare with me. 
Whilst I really need to poop. I shall finish this post before I do my business.
Call me disgusting, see if I care. :D

Some people just don't understand the fact that some wrongs can't be undone.
Apologise, yes, a good thing to do.
But there's a time span. You don't wait a few years to send apologies.
I've always told myself not to hate anyone.
And I never did. Until one day someone really got on my nerves and drove me up the wall.
You don't have the license to do that, only MooMoo does.  *smirks*
So yes, newsflash. I hate you. You and only you.
C'mon bugger. You think that you're more superior than everyone else just 'cause you can afford to show off the notes you have stashed in your wallet and the gadgets you get all the time? 
Sorry man, but that ain't the way to impress anyone.
You can buy the friendship. But it's like an investment.
You stop investing, then you can say bubbye to your friends.
It's not surprising why you've toned down so much, prolly 'cause you can no longer afford to invest on friends. So how many true friends do you really have bugger?
Talking about psychopaths, you totally qualify as one.
I have been really patient with you. Everyone agrees.
But hey, my patience has its limits too.

Oh and newsflash. I lie for a living. Does that make you feel any better?
Just 'cause I love to play around with your mind doesn't make me a liar.
If you're offended, then confront me in my face.
Don't go around spreading fuckloads of bullshit.
You ain't all that and you know it. 
I wonder why God even gave you a brain when you barely never use it.
Get a grip you wanna-be.

note: I did not state names. And again. Assumptions are for idiots. :) Don't need me to remind you every once in a while now, do you? 

Okay, I'm done.
I've been the nicest I could be.
Have a good evening everyone. 

Ahh it feels good to finally offend someone. *throws confetti*

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