Monday, March 16, 2009

What A Girl Needs

Regarding the title.. It's random.
So no, I dont mean girls need summons. 
I found this in _'s car. Ohmigosh.
I dont understand why _ likes to park his car everywhere BUT the provided parking slots.
When we were at Esplanade fishing, his car was parked right beside the no parking sign. -_-"
I guess he sees it as no parking. 
So I guess recession isn't really in he's head too. :p 

It was a sunny noon.
Until the strong wind nearly blew me into the sea.
Then we decided a change of venue.
Botanical garden. Exercise. :D
This cheeky person went to talk to the monkey
-___________________-" I know..
He squatted in front of the monkey with a baby hanging on the belly.
And did this really weird "krrrrk" sound.
And the monkey responded with the same tone. *smacks head*
Then he tried to provoke another monkey eating peanuts.
I tried pulling him away to prevent myself from having to walk home in case the monkey rips his nose out. Or tears his whole face out.
If I was the one driving. I wouldn't even stop the monkey if it jumps on his face.
It would be a fun show to watch no? ;p
Then the security guard couldn't stop laughing. Eek.

Picture resolution is bad.
I know. Hey what do you expect from 1.3mp camera stuck inside a phone? 
*sigh* 3 more weeks. HOPEFULLY.

Someone's necessity.
Ish-ness. 20 sticks gone in a day if I wasn't there to give my killer stare each time the box gets flipped open. Very bad, very very bad.

Back to books now. *drags feet towards table*

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