Friday, April 10, 2009

Happy Birthday Daddy !

So yesterday I got ready at around 2.30pm.
It took me around 2 hours to get ready. Hah.
Luckily I didn't ask anyone to fetch me.
I was heading to get daddy's birthday card & present & cake.
So I just slipped on a black long sleeved blouse and jeans shorts.
I threw my pink guess bag away. Okay not AWAY, but I grew bored of it already. :p
And met Jang Heng. He saved my life! With sticky tape.
HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA. And something else. :p
Oh and I was busy writting daddy's card and asked EVERYONE for opinions.
They said it's 'touching'. Well we'll see how far true that is later tonight when we celebrate. :)

But to start off.
I have to blind you people with pictures of myself kan?
It's been such a long time since I did that compared to other bloggers okay.
And for those who're about to comment. Shut up and leave. :D

Similarities of all the pictures are.
Oh well. Guess that's the evidence of me not being able to sleep well.
Moving on..


See, I am such a filial daughter.
Don't laugh, only I can laugh at myself.
But you can laugh with me. :p
I'm heading out to buy sprinkles for the cake.
Stupid stunted growth lady in Secret Recipe ruined my cake for daddy.
And my mission today, is to look good and fix it. :)
Okay, I'd better take a bath now before I get yelled at for being sloppy.
I've been awake since 4.45am doing nothing at all. -_-"
Good day everyone! Tonight there'll be moooorrrrrrrreeeeee updates! :D