Friday, April 10, 2009

The Right Track *edited*

Seems so hard to decide.
Should I choose something practical?
Or should I go for the one that I'm passionate about?
It's so hard when it comes to making a decision.
So, am I on the right track?

Younger bro caught another ant.
It's his favourite pass time activity.
Catch an ant, release it somewhere and then laugh when it crawls on one of us.
I found Mr.Nickels in dad's car the other day.
Now he caught a Mr.Quarter
Only difference is he taped one of the poor little thing's legs to his nail.
So it cant bite him and so he wont have to hold it.
He can still do his homework with the ant on his nail. -_-"
I have pictures of it. But i'll only post it up after dad's birthday celebration tonight.
But this time he released it somewhere else.
Let's just all hope its NOT on my bed. I hate ants.

We're gonna cut the cake soon.
I gotta start getting ready. 
I'm feeling stuffed today. I don't know why.

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