Saturday, April 4, 2009

Rain rain go away, come again another day ...

Kai Sing just called me an hour ago.
I heard Jeremy in the background.
She asked if I wanted to go to Gurney.
But I can't. 'Cause I promised mum I'd stay home this weekend.
Well. She forced me to, like 99%.

It's raining now.
I hope piggy's fine. *hugs and kisses*
And I sorta like it when dad cheers me up everytime it rains.
Knowing that I hide in my room everytime it rains.
He sent my younger brother upstairs.
"Jie jie, do you want to order pizza? Or McDonald's?"
"Daddy says it's the best time to do so now.."
I laughed. Despite the fact that I was actually hungry for fries and nuggets. :p

I love my younger bro.
He's so cute.
He caught an ant out of the 2 million he caught for the pass weeks.
And this time.
He actually named it.
Shoving it 2 cm away from my eyeball.
"Jie jie! Say HI to Mr. Nickels."
What a cute name no?

I seriously lost count on how many times I have updated my blog today.
I must be really bored. :| 


  1. Yes mummy, you do reproduce fast.
    ... that sounded so wrong hahahahahahwtfwtf.
    even faster than you can play drums. :P

    anyway cavewoman, cute bro XD Mr. Nickels hahahahaha XDD
    too bad and you'll fly away to Singapore XD
    i reckon your skirt would be big enough, if you wear the waist like me XD

    FRIES ON PHONES ARE HEALTHY fyi, you dont seem to know much. *nods* and then *shakes head* the oil gives it muscle lubricant and the salt gives your phone minerals making it more durable and poor little mummy here will save time sending it to emergency rooms


  2. Peanut butters are healthy for phones too, didn't you know?
    Children who take peanut butter at a young age have less the chance of being allergic to nuts. lol its true i'm serious on this one. Plus it makes your phone smell good and taste yummy,
    talk killing 20 birds with one drumstick

    i'm writing an essay on your comments page.. o.O

    And yes i've noticed how your hair grows insanely fast ever since your last cut its like scary and coool XD i wonder if your mutated i hope that made your day cox i've always wanted to be mutated in a positive way XD that sounded so
    ... wrong again.

    dont smoke so much,
    *crooked grin*

  3. oh and i almost forgot i reckon your skirts would make a decent parachute if your wore the waist like mine XD

  4. my phone has a heart condition. it cannot take too much salt. and my skirt was way pass my waistline. it was like right below my bra. is that helpful information?
    and why on earth would i want my phone to taste good yo little rascal?!
    PHONE FRY-ER. :p
