Friday, May 22, 2009

Jeeeeeweeeeeee seaweedsquuueegleeeyummytummyselurrrrrrpeeeeee!

Ooh so squuuuuueeeeeegle-leegle-leeeeeeee dum dee dum dum doooooo.

I have no idea what has gotten into me.
I am supposed to meet Ciern today, be in Gurney in my brand new dress.
Being happy jolly joy joy. But I decided to sit inside my room with the fan and aircond switched off. Mainly 'cause I have a license and have no car to drive! *ROAR
Door closed and laptop in front of me and watch He's Just Not That Into You.
But the disc is hanging in mid-air. Like halfway in the laptop. 
'Cause I suddenly don't feel like watching it. :p
And I want to go to gurney. Have inspiration and late lunch there.
But I already had lunch. And inspirations are only valid on Sunday.
Bet you don't know what I'm blabbering about. 

I want cookies and hot milk.
But then I am determined to prove that Prince Fart On The Phone wrong.
Dad's bringing Kar Shing to Bangkok sometime in June holidays.
I shall stay in Penang and hibernate. Maybe to Langkawi. I don't know.
I feel so.. AIMLESS. Yes that's the word. 
What should I do now? :S

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