Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Food & sleep is a baaaaaaad combination.

I have been eating elephant amounts for the past few days.
I haven't been exercising and I've been sleeping so much I even lost count of the days.
I feel stupid to actually think that PEOPLE I labelled would actually change for the better, but now I'm convinced that they wont. :) Suck it up bitch.
I miss hanging out and having simpler times rather than all the little snuggling up to kiss ass actions that happens EVEN between friends. It's sickening.
I am going back to bed now 'cause it's 1.11am. 
Goodnight all! :)

But speaking of food and sleep.
I went for Tandoori with Julian and James just now.
Before that I was in Starbucks with Aunt Doreen, simply can't deny how much I heart her. <3
And before that I was at home chomping down more food. Damn, I really am starting to grow sideways.
Okay, goodnight! 

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