Thursday, June 25, 2009

Getting on each other's nerves.

Yes, I missed class today.
I have a very bad cough thanks to someone who has cough and is coming into my room to sleep every night. Maybe not every night but 6 days in a week. >:C

So I sound a little bit like Jims and Michael Buble singing.
How's that for a change? And audition tomorrow, we'll see how I feel tomorrow then.
I even tightened my braces and have a rubber band restrainig any further mouth movements.
Can't open it more than half, can't talk like a normal human being too.

Anyways, Jims has been wanting to get a bull terrier puppy so badly he's currently pretty VERY OBSESSED. I still think it looks like a giant mutated rat head with and enlarged nose attached to a very stumpy dog's body. But oh okay, it looks cute after looking at it a tad longer. Still I have never been a fan of short sausage lookalike dogs.

See what I mean? Small squinty eyes, short short legs, big gigantic long nose.
How can this be even anywhere near cute or chio (cool)?

This one doesn't look as bad, but still... *shrugs*

The puppies are still really very very cute though, if they stay that way and never ever ever grow up. :p

Jims likes this one best, he should be grateful.
I spent a full hour just asking around for a puppy for him.
Still no results up until now.
Anyone out there have any info on where to get these puppies please do e-mail me.
*click* E-mail *click*

Sorry but I couldn't help but to throw an insulting picture of the dog.
It doesn't look anything like the Pitbull which I super love. Heh.
It's not even anywhere close to looking like a pig.
At least if it looks more like a pig I can accept it, but this looks closer to a rat. -_____-"'

Anyways, now it's about the dog I love most.
The Pitbull.
When Jims wanted to get one, I told him not to.
To prevent him from being stripped off his "MANLYHOOD".
I told him the Pitbull would either rip his balls off or just mistaken his pee pee for a chew toy. :p

There's been alot of cases about Pitbull attacks.
And I have absolutely no idea why people would do this (look at picture above).
The dog could have chewed on the baby like a soft toy or a huge version of a chewy bone.
Pure stupidity.

Now pitbull babies are much cuter than rat terrier babies. I mean, bull terrier.

Although they kill and attack, but it's proven that they're loyal and friendly as long as you don't mistreat them or provoke them. See, they grow up to be so chio and muscular. Like spy dogs. Heh.

Fierce enough to scare those people away don't you think?
I'd have one by my side all the time. Heh.

I like fierce dogs. Especially ones that can bite and kill.
I don't like poodles, well. I do like all dogs but I can't imagine myself carrying a petite only-for-show dog around which is prolly smaller than my handbag and have manicured nails.
I like the junkyard dogs. Haha. Too much cartoons? Nahh.. Just too many people I'd like my dog to attack. It'll definately be my partner in crime.

You know, I don't mind 10 people sharing a present. Need hints?
My birthday next year, please get me a fierce dog that looks exactly like those pictures I have posted *coughsPITBULLcoughs*. :)

And I read a sad sad sad story.
I have attached the link to the story below the picture of the dog.
It looks so sad and broken on the inside. :(
I wish I could help!

*click link below*

Let's require a license for pet ownership

Editor, The Times:

In response to your guest column ["Breed bans won't solve problem of 'dangerous dogs,'." Opinion, June 23] here's a radical suggestion: Rather than a breed ban on allegedly dangerous dogs, how about requiring people be tested and licensed before they can own a pet?

Before I am allowed to operate a vehicle, I must be trained and take two tests for my learner's permit and then the driver's license. Restaurant employees must be tested in their knowledge of basic health issues in order to receive a food-handler's permit.

So it doesn't seem unreasonable to require citizens to prove they are knowledgeable and capable of proper care, feeding and handling of an animal before they can own one. It is clear from the most recent case ["4 kids sicced pit bull on women, cops say," NWTuesday, June 23] that the dog was mistreated and that its owners were not equipped to raise it humanely.

Now that I think about it, perhaps people should be licensed before they can become parents, too.

-- Gary D. Tucker, Seattle

In my opinion : I think that those 4 kids are the real screwed up ones.

This time, don't punish the dog

I am so saddened by the story of the kids using a dog to attack two women. This poor dog will be put down after being abused himself, after being used as a weapon against strangers. Where is the justice in this? I'm even saddened by my own reaction -- that I'm glad the dog bit its tormentor (I think I'm glad about that too!), too.

When I have heard about dog attacks in the news, I usually agree with the decisions made. I am just so upset this dog will be put down due to the evil of others.

These children never should have been released to their parents. They should have been detained. Their parents should also be evaluated, as it is my feeling any decent parent would not have raised such horrible children.

I hope these two women will be OK, though I believe the emotional scars will last forever. They are obviously dog lovers.

I firmly believe King County Animal Control should revisit their policies regarding euthanization in this particular case. I adamantly feel this dog should not be put down. I'm sure there is a loving home for him out there.

-- Chris Greene, Central Point, Ore.

I know that just typing it out won't help the poor dog. I honestly agree with what Chris Greene said. Don't blame the dog for being aggressive, blame the owner and those horrible kids for once now would you? Dogs have been put to sleep for being aggressive, but only because they have been mistreated and abused physically AND mentally. So whose fault is it now, in my opinion, the owner.

1 comment:

  1. bull terrier...Most intelligent dog in the world... thought of getting one too!
