Friday, June 26, 2009

Try to impress me on your very next attempt to bitch about me.

Lynne isn't thinking nice thoughts.

What you should really learn. Don't spit up in the air.
In case you have no idea what that means.
Let me help your retarded brain to interprete what it means.
I'm sorry that I can't make a video to help you understand.
You're so spastic that nothing can help you. :D

It means, if you spit your own saliva in the air.
It'll only fall back down on your face.
No one else's.
Used to think you were as thick as a brick.
Now it's proven you're only as thick as the great wall of China.
Go find out what thick means here alright?
I'm not sorry that it's hurting your brain.

p/s: fuck off shit face, be angry when you read this. it'll really get me partying all night. :)

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