Monday, June 1, 2009

If it's worth another try, I'd give it another go.

Phrase of the day: With the one you love, an hour feels like a minute. With those whom you loathe, one second seems like forever. 

I'm not gonna elaborate on this picture of a huge-ass bowl of food. With everything I love to eat inside made by someone's mother. *swoons* Oh another one for the private blog. :p

I made younger bro's baby dog into a ball. :p Hahaha. He hates it when I do that. :p 

I love "worm soup". I call it worm soup because it looks like worms. It's actually a kind of vegetable. :p

Taken right before Jeee came over to pick me up for dinner. :D No make-up and all. So shuddup and don't comment. :p

This was taken right before picking up Aunt Doreen from the airport. She's back from Aussie! :D
Love love loves. She bought me a white handbag from Singapore which I love super duper much.
As usual, mum came back from Dalian and I get nothing. She got 4 pair of super chio heels, and NOT surprising that none of it is mine. I'll talk about that, in my private blog. Heh!

On the way back from mainland in Jeee's car! :) Tried on Jeee's shades which looks superbly awesome on me. But his is a Rayban and mine is just an MNG. Do you think he'd swap a guy's shades for a girl's? So "never" for him. :p

This super cute puppy only understands Thai. 'Cause the owner's a Thai from Bangkok! :) And the puppy is super cute but it's like suffering from Kwashiorkor. It's so tiny but the belly is super bulged and round and hard. I don't know if it's healthy but I sure do know that it's super cute! :D

Fishes that the guys caught. Fresh from the sea! :) The guys did a good job. And right now Jeee looks like a super red lobster. Those of you who knows Jeee knows that he's already red. But right now he looks like the colour of red chilli! Only darker by two tones. :p

While the guys fish, the girl sleeps and listens to Kenny G's music and slowly falls asleep. Of course with my shades on kan, next time I'll bring a mask in case I open my mouth when I fall asleep, no flies or dragonflies will fly inside. :p

I made a new friend, I named him "Wai Sek Gao". (in cantonese) Mainly 'cause we packed food there, and everytime someone reaches out for their lunch/snack, this dog gets up immediately and then follows you all around giving you the puppy-dog-eyes eventhough it doesnt realize that it is 20 times the size of a regular puppy. He slept beside me when I was minding my own business on the fishnet that Jeee's set up for me to sleep on. :p He likes me. I wanted to bring it home, but then the fur was shedding all over me I figured that the fishes would like to spend time eating its fur. :D

Then when the boat came, I got to witness the head snapping huge ass fishes jumping up for food.
I swear they were like longer than half of my body. It is S-C-A-R-Y! I was shit ass hungry and Jeee's wouldn't let me eat. He said save my tummy for dinner when we get back. Chai Leng Park for "Lok-lok", so far the cleanest "Lok-lok" I came across, I don't like roadside ones, their d-i-s-g-u-s-t-i-n-g. No need to elaborate on that. 

As for now, I'm gonna snooze my afternoon away since I have nothing much to do. I shall sleep, then get up and go eat, then wake up and watch tv, then sleep again then talk on the phone then go online for a bit, then sleep again. Ahhhh, how much better can life get.. ? :D

Next update. 
Last minute outing with Rozanne, ShinLing, JoEe, some other girl which I don't seem to can never remember her name no more. :p Finally! :) 

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