Thursday, May 28, 2009

All smiles, but what is behind that one very influential smile?

I wasn't happy today.
Beginning with the fact that I've been waiting for days to watch Night At The Museum 2.
And Monsters Vs Aliens
As promised someone's supposed to accompany me to the movies.
But narrowed it down to NATM2 only, because to him, MVA is lame and for kids.
So nevermind that, I said "It's okay, I'll watch that alone."
And up until today, I still havent got the chance to watch any shits at all.
So yes, Miss Very-super-unhappy-and-cranky took over.

I'm gonna crop that out from this very post and insert it to the private blog.
And then the friend (note: i didnt mention any names) decides to piss me off even more by telling me how the friend is heading out to watch the movie that I wanna watch. And piss me off even more by saying that because of my existence, everything doesn't work. For a person like me, I would think that the friend is actually trying to say that everything that has to do with me doesn't work out right. So nevermind that. I cried, screamed on the very top note of my vocals (in my head *pfft), I slept and then I decided to just wait till dinner time.

Daddy cheered me up alot.
He brought Shing and I out for dinner.
We had Sushi. :) 
I invited Kai Sing, but she said "Aiyahhh, PAISEH lah..." 
That will receive a "Since when is KAI SING paiseh?!" comment from alot of people. :p
I don't have a car to drive, YET.
Daddy says he wants to get me a secondhand Viva, so I could crash around and ruin the car.
I really don't mind, as long as I get to drift my friends' brains out. :D
But he said, 
"That's a bad idea, 'cause it'll instill the mentality that you can treat the car like scrap and go crash around.. But if I get a brand new Honda City, you will not be able to sleep for ONE WHOLE MONTH if there was one little itsy bitsy scratch on it. And you'll be VERY SUPER CAUTIOUS when you're on the road."
So I didn't really wanna keep that thought in my head, I know I won't be getting a car anytime soon. Or EVER. 

Then I dragged daddy into Bead's Zone and British India.
He knows how I like long long long Bohemian and Ethnic style kinda skirts and dresses.
So I tried on one of it for him to see, he said it's pretty but too long for me.
I convinced him with a few blinks of my shiny big goo-goo doll eyes. (well, make up helps just fyi)
And he bought it for me. 
So now, I have 2 reds, 2 blues.
I'm going to get more this coming 2 weeks break. :D

I am "happified" after the dresses. 
Hopefully, tomorrow will be a much better day than today. :S

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