Friday, June 12, 2009

When you don't see any lamp posts around you on the empty streets, there could be stars in the sky that're bright enough to shine your way through.

I was having a really bad day.
Actually, I still am.
So I rang somebody up. And then asked if somebody would bring me to Nando's.
But somebody was occupied. 
And when I was about to pass out of hunger.
Somebody arrived and parked the car right smack in front of my house.
Rozanne came by and gave me the Fillet-O-Fish in her hands accompanied by a cup of Coke. 
That's why I love her. Thank you somebody, Rozanne and Auntie Ann! :)

You're not the person that I once knew,
are you scared to let 'em know it's you?
If they could only see it like I do,
then they would see a stranger too.

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