Sunday, February 1, 2009

Miss Moodswing Is Back In Town

Finally some pictures. =)
I wont bore you with my words. :D
Maybe a little. ;p

28th January, Wednesday

Evon came over and we headed to Queens for late lunch.
Then Kai Sing called.
And we waited for her to come.
So happen, Jeremy came. Then Joey popped outta no where too.
We went to Friday's. Evon, Kai Sing and I shared. It's uber filling okay.

Then Julian came to pick us up. And we went to Sunset Bistro.
Just the five of us.
And Julian's two babies. :D

After I get his permission I will change it to a non-mosaiced+jittered picture. :P

Little Ben10 and Older Ben10.

Kai Sing scared the little kid away by calling out "HELLO BEN 10!".
But his older brother was cute though.

Kai Sing: "Ehh.. You also Ben10 ah?"
Older Ben 10: "Yessss.. yesssss. We are brothers. His my brotherrrr, Im his brother.. We are brotherrrs. *walks away with sea shell*"

Julian dropped Kai Sing home. Then Jeremy.
Then Evon and I. Evon stayed over. [ily!]

Birthday present. ;p 
Oh and dont say Guess sucks.
Be grateful I did not specifically mention I actually wanted a Prada and Gucci one okay. :)

29th January, Thursday.

Chian's mum picked Evon and I up.
Sent us to Queensbay. AGAIN.
Got Kai Sing a dress. :)
Nothing much happened today. 

Room was all messed up. Pillows flew everywhere. 
Soft toys on the floor.
Mountains of blankets and clothes all over.

Kai Sing and her Fire Engine. HAHAHA

30th January, Friday

Last minute change of plans I did not follow Uncle Haven to Gurney.
I picked Jamie up and we both went to Gurney.
She went to meet Imin, I went to meet Ciern

I personally love this picture of Kai Sing 'cause she simply looks so happy here. :D

If you're wondering what we were doing. Yes, we love to pick our noses in public and we want everyone to know. :p

My younger sister - Ciern [ily!]

We totally suck at this whole self vaining thing technique. :p

Kai Sing attempted to block my face. And she succeeded. :(

Ciern; Lynne; Kai Sing

Lynne; Ciern 
we're sisters mind you :p

I'm sorry I always goof out on nice pictures. HAHA.
I love being the goofy person I am, mind you. ;p

Jamie; Ciern; Lynne; Imin

The picture above was random. 
Moomoo came for a while, then he left for the beach.
I hung around Gurney for a bit, went to Sakae Sushi.
Saw Evon's sister-in-law and brother, Tony! Their so super cute I tell you. ;p
Then we went over to G Spot for some drinks.

Asahi is love. ;)
Oh and I like how Moomoo puts it.
"I am amazed with the idiocity of my gender.."

(Renee's gonna kill me when she sees this ;p)

Uncle Haven sent me home not long after.
Thank you! ;)
Oh the reason I dont have a picture of him, is 'cause I cant afford to take a picture of him.
It's expensive. :p

31st January, Saturday.

Was feeling all grumpy after class.
Moody and unfriendly too. Sent texts to get confirmations.
Kai Sing was already in Queens.
Uncle Haven dropped me in Queens.
He went along with his friends and Kai Sing and I waited for Joey to answer nature's call.
And off we went, for Japanese food AGAIN.
This time, Sakae was crowded. So we decided to go to Azuma.

Kai Sing was being a darling trying to cheer me up.
She really was very funny indeed. 
Joey and Kai Sing were debating about EVERYTHING. 
Kai Sing choked when she saw Jeremy walking into Azuma.
Then the drama got even more intense. ;p

They got me a slice of White Chocolate cake that was supposed to be equally distributed for Joey & Kai Sing as their new facial cream but we ate it 'cause it was too yummy.
And not to mention a pink hippo that resembles how fat I've grown and a ridiculously oversized card for me to carry so I could burn fats while attempting to do something else while having the card in hand. ;p

Oh and I got this shirt.
Mum hates it. I love it.
We argued over it, she says she never wants to see me wearing it.
Oh try restricting me from such a lovely t. You'll never succeed.
Meanwhile, I'm still waiting for Cartmen and Family Guy boxers to come in. :)
That's all for now. Updates will be SUPERSLOWERTHANSLOW after this post.
Enjoy school/college peeps. Hectic schedules are back in and bubbye to lazy bum around days.

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