Sunday, March 15, 2009

1,2,3,4 Tell Me That You Love Me More ;)

rather random picture to blind you people. :)

I tried to hold on, but it hurts too much.
I tried to forgive, but it's not enough.
To make it all okay.

Broken Strings - James Morrison feat. Nelly Furtado

I've been a really good girl. IN MY OPINION.
I revised on Friday. And I actually have a daily schedule that I'm gonna be living up to. :)
Like what b says 
"Always put yourself before anyone else, plan for your future. 'Cause no one's gonna do it for you and fight for it for you, but you yourself."
It's saturday. The 14th.
At least there were minor changes for b. *hugs*
WOW, I realised I'm changing from A-Z alphabets depending on my mood. :p
Today it's b. :D
Oh and I had class till 4.23pm.
Moo moo was already outside waiting. 
So I hurried and changed without giving a damn about what I'd be wearing and left for Gurney.
Met Kai Sing & Jeremy.
Bumped into Jane. :D
Went for dinner at Kapitan. Then went through all the little cute named streets.
Kimberly Street, Chulia Street, King, Queen and whatever other I-so-cannot-remember streets.
Had so much food that it would be the portion that a person would have for 3 months.
It was, tonnes of fishballs, jelly fish and meat balls.
Then tandoori and garlic cheese nan.
Then yong tau fu, si gua teng ( 4 fruit soup? -direct translation LAH hello ) p/s: pls stress on the T :p , then char kuey teow and deep fried chicken skin. 
Man am I gonna grow fat or what. Heh.

Oh and I'll be going hiking tomorrow. 
So it's allll safe! I will hike until my knees are sore.
Then rest and start hiking again until I have to resort to a wheel chair for the next 5 months.
'Cause if I were to be on a wheel chair I'd be too distracted by ringing the bell and asking everyone to do something for me and forget about eating. :D
Oh well, enough nonsense here.
It's already 2.13am and I'm still waiting.  *sighs*
I hope b wont be late tomorrow.

Goodnight everyone! :)

oh &
happy anniversary to you. :)

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