Thursday, March 5, 2009

Birthday Shoutouts :p

Evon T
25th February

Friends for 9 years and more to come!
We make almost all the same mistakes.
That's what sir said no? :)

Jamie T 
16th February
She's a hawty no doubt.
Never once will you see her not looking good. ;)

Jamie&Johny a.k.a. The Boyfriend

Venice T
1st March

Another hawty that never fails to look good.
Met her not long ago.
But seems like she's been a friend for ages. :)

Venice > I chose this pic cuz you should get this bikini outta the three. Haha.

Oh and us four on Valentine's night.
Kai Sing the January baby.
Lynne and Jamie the February babies.
Venice the March Baby. 

shut up, i know im the shortest.


  1. aww,sweet sweet ! hahaha.should I get the bikini anyways? nice right? nice right?

  2. hahahha. YES you should. It is nice. :)
